Excellent Post by Moonrat on Publishing…

This is an excellent post by Moonrat on the state of publishing right now, and how we can all do our own little part to help out. I’m sure most of the people on my friends list don’t need the encouragement to buy books, but after such an awful October in the industry, spreading the word as much as possible can’t hurt! So please, if you have time, take a look at the post. If you have the money and opportunity, buy a book or two this weekend. And if you agree with the post, please pass it on!



I more than did my duty tonight, spending most of the money my in-laws sent me as a belated birthday gift. I bought a book for my son, a book for my babysitter’s daughter, a book for my mother (a mushy mother-daughter book…hee!), and for myself snagged: Anton Strout’s Dead to Me, Mark del Franco’s Unshapely Things, Karen Chance’s Midnight’s Daughter (I haven’t been buying very many vampire books lately, but I LOVE her other series), and Devon Monk’s Magic to the Bone. And yes, I must admit that all of these books are published by my new publishing house. I didn’t do it on purpose–I swear! They just happened to be the urban fantasy books I saw at Borders that most appealed to me. Especially since Borders was missing the first book in some of the other series I wanted to try. (Which means I’ll have to request they order the ones I need soon!)

I’m Going to Be Published!!!

I finally get to share my amazing news. I still can’t believe that one of my dearest childhood dreams is finally coming true…

My fabulous agent, Ginger Clark, has sold my urban fantasy, Red Hot Fury, to the equally fabulous Jessica Wade at Penguin/Berkley. Now that the official announcement has appeared in Publishers Marketplace, I can share: “Kasey Mackenzie’s RED HOT FURY, to Jessica Wade at Berkley, in a good deal, at auction, in a three-book deal, by Ginger Clark at Curtis Brown (NA).”

I am beyond thrilled to be signing with Penguin. Red Hot Fury will be published under either their Roc or Ace imprint and should come out sometime in early 2010. I mean…I’m going to be published by the same house as many of my favorite urban fantasy authors–including Jim Butcher, Rachel Caine, Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs…The list could go on!

I’ll post more details as I get them. For now, I’ll just happy dance a little…*Happy dances like crazy!*