Writing Again!

I’m writing again so decided maybe I’ll try to blog again, too. No promises but I’ll try! I have been updating Facebook and Twitter much more frequently lately. As far as writing goes, I’ve sent a YA suspense/thriller proposal to my lovely agent Ginger and I have a second YA thriller proposal most of the way finished. Now, I am turning my attention to self-pubbing a few urban fantasies because I still love UF so much!

Fury 4 is still in the works but it’s on the back burner for a bit because I want to focus on sequels to the series I can control the prices of. I really feel that it hurts a series to have the first book priced as the most expensive in the series. Yeah, having Book 1 priced at $8.99 when the other two are cheaper, I’m looking at you. At any rate, I’m working on the sequel to Reborn in Fire first. Tentatively titled Forged by Flame, I thought I’d share the opening:

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Bad Blogger…Sharing from a New Project as Appeasement Gift!

So I’ve been an absolutely horrid blogger for quite some time, but I will make an effort to get back into the swing of things by sharing the prologue for a new urban fantasy/paranormal romance (it hasn’t decided what it is yet) proposal I am working on right now.  Life has been crazy busy and oftentimes tragic (my mom died at the age of 53 in November, 2011 and we lost my 11-month-old nephew to SIDS in November, 2012) over the past couple of years, but I really miss blogging so will make an effort to get back at it!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any updates on the Shades of Fury series or what project will be next to sell, but I’ll share as soon as I do!  I may self-publish something for my fans later this year; keep an eye out for announcements as soon as I have any news to share.  =)

This particular project came to me when the stray thought, “What would happen if magic were a disease you could catch, and what would happen if someone feared catching it more than anything and then–of course–they did?”  The magic system is somewhat loosely based on the Chinese Zodiac (though not entirely, and only loosely).  I don’t do prologues often, but this project is demanding one.  With that said, here we go!



Incubation: The phase during the development of an infection between the time that a pathogen enters the body and when symptoms first begin to appear.

October, 1988

The first time Everly Gale saw the man who would alter her life forever, she was a bright-eyed 12-year-old who believed she could change the world if only she managed to collect enough money to feed the world’s starving children. With the cheerful verve and grit that only she could combine into one charming whole, Everly made plenty of progress toward achieving that goal the autumn she turned 12.  Her parents humored her, as they always did, by driving around the community so she could set up in front of the mom and pop shops whose owners fell in love with the girl waging a personal battle against hunger.  Unfortunately, that drive to save the lives of others nearly proved the undoing of her very own.

“Do we really have to waste another Saturday morning hitting up people for money, Ever?  I thought that’s what freaking UNICEF was for, anyway.  Wouldn’t you rather be shopping for  our Halloween costumes?”

Everly grinned over at her long-suffering (though rarely without complaint) older sister, Cadence, as she finished setting everything just-so on the rickety folding table.  She loved Cadie dearly, really she did, but her favorite sister often suffered from a severe lack of imagination.  “Why do you think I chose this particular store, sister dear?”

Cadence glanced up at the old-fashioned sign which read “Molly’s Coddles and Crafts” with an extremely dubious expression.  “What the heck is a coddle, Ever?  Not that it matters; I’m pretty sure they don’t sell costumes here.”

“Very astute of you, Cadie.”  Everly paused long enough to smile and thank the woman who dropped a few quarters into the UNICEF box.  “Have I ever steered you wrong?  I promised that I’d be the Beetlejuice to your Lydia so we could win the heart of your goth-boy Jared, but we’re not going to start half-assing Halloween just because you saw some cheapo costumes at the,” she gave an overly dramatic shudder, “shopping mall.  We’re doing this up right.  Nana promised she’d finally teach us to sew.”

This time it was Cadence’s turn to shudder.  “You expect me to learn…”  She let out a choked laugh when she caught sight of her sister’s smirk.  “Fiery little Dragon Lady.”  That was their Chinese grandfather’s nickname for Everly, since she’d been born in the last year of the Dragon.  It also very much suited her relentless nature once she set her mind on something.

Everly gave a trill of laughter.  “You should have seen the look in your eyes, Cade. Priceless.  And yes, as you guessed, I will be doing all of the sewing on our costumes, and they are going to put anything that Brittany Kilpatrick could even think of coming up with to everlasting shame.”

Brittany was Cadence’s friend-turned-enemy who could have any boy that she wanted and regularly made the habit of proving just that to her less developed-in-the-upper-region former friend.  Of course, that was before Cadence’s tastes in boys had matured past the stereotypical pretty boy jock type who Brittany didn’t even have to break a sweat claiming for her own.  This Jared was actually different and way cool, just like Cadence herself.  And he was going to choose her sister over that bleach blonde airhead, Everly just knew it.

Joy shone in Cadence’s eyes as she reached over and gave her sister a fierce hug.  “God, Ever, you really are the best.  As annoying as it is to hear everyone else say all the damned time.”

Everly opened her mouth to give an amusing little reply, and that was when she caught sight of him.  A hot but way older man staring at her from across the street.  Silver-streaked dark hair fell nearly to his waist, unusual when paired with a straight-laced suit and tie.  His eyes were what most captured her attention, however; a piercing shade of ice-blue and all kinds of intense.  They should have made her uncomfortable considering that the man had to be darned near 40, but they seemed strangely compelling.

“Earth to Everly, come in, please.”  Cadence snapped her fingers several times and then apparently figured out who her sister was eyeballing–and vice versa.  Her amusement faded, only to be replaced by the overprotective instincts that often kicked in by virtue of her being three years older.  “I’m gonna scratch that sicko’s eyes out if he doesn’t stop visually devouring you in about five seconds flat.”

Everly shook her head to clear the fog that clouded her brain and forced a nervous laugh.  “Chill, Cadie.  I probably look like someone he knows.  No big deal.”

Cadence settled back in her folding chair with a huff.  “Yeah, well, it will be a big deal if he doesn’t stop…”  Her voice trailed off suddenly.  “Hey, where’d he go?”

Everly felt a weird stab of disappointment when she looked back across the street and noticed that the stranger had vanished.  Oh, yeah, because that’s just what you need.  Some disgusting pervert fixated on you.  She kept her voice deliberately cool when she shrugged and changed the subject back to the awesomeness that would be the sisters’ costumes for the themed bash that their parents let them throw each year.  Brittany had tried to woo their mutal friends to her own party the previous Halloween, only to discover that most of the teens in their St. Louis suburb weren’t as fickle as the boys she let feel up her oversized boobs.

It was surprisingly easy to forget about the man with ice-blue eyes as the day wore on.  She kept herself busy with collecting money to send on to UNICEF, and then picking out odds and ends she spent most of the afternoon assuring Cadence that she and Nana could turn into the most kickass Halloween costumes ever.  Her speeding bullet of a brain didn’t even think about the oddity of that man’s eyes boring into her own for one uncomfortably long moment until late that evening when she snuck outside to check on the family dog.  The overgrown mastiff-German shepherd mix had once again been banished to his doghouse for chewing a pair of her oldest sister Harmony’s shoes.  She had just finished sneaking Kong a bone and letting him slobber all over her hand when the dog let out a low growl and drew to attention.  His fur bristled and he stared out into the darkness with an eerie intensity that had her mind flashing to that man watching her from across the street.

Fear bubbled inside her stomach and she reached down to unhook the leash that secured Kong to the doghouse, though she kept a tight hold on his collar.  A hundred pounds of nervous energy pulled against her hand, indicating his desire to leap toward the woods backing up to their yard, but he was extraordinarily well-trained despite that penchant for chewing on Harmony’s footwear.  That made what happened next seem even more unbelievable.

The dog gave one strangely high-pitched growl before jerking away from her grasp, only to fall straight to the ground.  Everly started to let out a scream because she just knew someone must have shot Kong for him to drop like that, only to have a hand clamp over her mouth and an arm gather her in an iron-tight grip she couldn’t break away from no matter how hard she struggled; and struggle she did.

An unfamiliar voice murmured into her ear, “Be still; he’s just asleep, not dead.  I mean neither you nor him any harm, so please just relax.”

Those words didn’t particularly reassure her, but struggling hadn’t gotten her anywhere.  The man–the inexorable strength paired with such a low voice told her that much–made no move to drag her into the woods and so, for the moment, she allowed her body to grow still as requested.  He relaxed his grip enough to nudge her around to face him, but kept one hand on each of her wrists snugly, though not uncomfortably so.

Beams of illumination from the nearby porchlight confirmed her suspicion as to the man’s identity.  He still wore that sharp black suit and wavy dark hair streaked with silver rustled in the evening air.  His piercing blue eyes gleamed just as intensely as they had before and this time, they succeeded in unnerving her the way they should have earlier.

“Who are you?” she blurted out in a harsh whisper.

A smile twisted his lips upward.  “That is actually what I came to find out about you, Everly Qiu-Long Gale.”

She caught her breath at the unexpected shock of hearing her full name spoken out loud, something she had only heard when her father finally explained its significance to her just a few days ago when she turned 12.

The man let out a breath of his own.  “I see you understand that, at least.  Tragic that your grandparents chose to steal your legacy from you, little Autumn Dragon, but not for much longer.”

Dread unfurled in the pit of her stomach at his words.

“I bring a gift from your great-grandmother, little one.”

Dread burst into full-blown terror and she tried to throw herself back; struggled with all of the ferocity she could muster, and yet she failed once more.  The man she now knew as one of her hated great-grandmother’s minions ground his fingers more tightly around her wrists as he lowered his lips down atop hers–not for some sexual purpose as her sister had originally feared, but for one even darker.

Pain ground into her wrists at the same time that quicksilver light spilled from his eyes, nose, and mouth, flooding out of his body and into hers.  She gagged, wanting to choke on the ghastly light that meant her doom her as surely as if the man had dragged her off into those woods after all, but it was far too late for that.  Something pressed into her mouth, but it wasn’t the man’s tongue or teeth.   That horrid microscopic thing stabbed its way into the underside of her own tongue and curled up there as if it had the right, as if her grandparents hadn’t fought for the chance to break away from that circus of freaks over which her great-grandmother ruled.

The pain from the man–the carrier–tightening his grip upon her wrists faded to insignificance as fire flared beneath her tongue, an inferno beginning but not ending there as it swept through her entire body until she became a raging ball of fever until finally, it mercifully ended.  As Everly lost her grip on consciousness, she felt the man lower her to the ground and murmur soothing words promising that she would remember little of this horror until he came for her again.  Pain turned to agony until finally, she gave in to blissful nothingness where the pain could not chase her…at least, not until the next year of the Dragon.

Hump Day Snippet – Black-Hearted Betrayal…

In the interests of more regular blogging, I am going to attempt to keep up a semi-regular schedule of blogging and am planning to bring various kinds of content throughout the week. So, without further ado, I bring you the Hump Day Snippet!  I’m planning for this to be either a short snippet from a work in progress, an original short story, or something I whip up special for the blog as a gift to readers.  Today we have an excerpt from Shades of Fury 3, Black-Hearted Betrayal.

SPOILER WARNING:  I recommend not reading this if you haven’t read the first two books, or if you do NOT want to know anything about Shades of Fury #3 in advance.

Note:  Adesina is the current placeholder name for a Megaera Fury newly-introduced in Black-Hearted Betrayal.


They nodded in approval, something that had a flush of pride touching my cheeks.  When neither interjected, I took that as encouragement to continue.  “I would personally recommend that one group head to the Palladium to check in with the Alecto, as instructed.  Having all three classes involved can only be to our advantage.  Once that’s done, I suggest going after Anubis’s weakest link.”

Adesina tilted her head, curiosity brightening her eyes.  “Which would be?”

Mom caught on to my intention.  “Which would be my mother.  Either it’s an imposter posing as her or actually my mother being magically manipulated.  In whichever case, she will be much easier to break and interrogate for information.  If she’s an imposter, we can threaten her with immediate execution for falsely impersonating a sister with the intention of stealing a Conclave seat.  If she’s actually my mother, we stand a good chance of breaking whatever magical spell holds her in thrall and gaining her active cooperation.”

“What if we can’t?”

Mom faced Adesina squarely, fingers clenched but face composed.  “Can’t break the spell?”

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Snippet: Austen Twins (Jane’s daughters) Steampunk…

This is a scene from the steampunk proposal I recently sent my agent, starring the adult children of Changeling Jane Austen and in the vein of Gail Carriger.  I very much LOVE this project and it’s a ton of fun to work on.


As the dirigible began descending toward the twinkling lights of midnight Paris in the distance, Elizabeth couldn’t help but sigh at its sheer beauty.  La Ville-Lumière—the City of Light—would always be her favorite city in the mortal realm for many reasons; not the least of them the breath-taking view of the city from several thousand feet above.

She flung her arms in the air and spun to face her sister.  “Oh, how I do love the sight of Paris from the air.  Isn’t it spectacular?”

Cassandra gripped the wooden railing tightly, her pale face showing none of the pleasure reflected on her twin’s countenance.  “Amazing,” she gritted out in a tone indicating the precisely opposite sentiment.

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Snippet of Opening from Black-Hearted Betrayal…

Okay, so I didn’t completely vanish off the face of the blogosphere again – we just went on vacation to visit my in-laws in Maine for a couple weeks, something I failed to mention ahead of time.  I’ve also been sick a lot lately, so I’m still recovering from that plus vacation.  I DO promise to get back to something resembling regular blogging soon.  In the meantime, as I prepare to push through to the end of Black-Hearted Betrayal, Shades of Fury 3, over the next few weeks, I wanted to go ahead and share a snippet of the opening for those interested.

Next week will be about choosing those contest winners not yet chosen, getting books out to contest winners, making a lot of progress on BHB, and working while son is at home since he doesn’t start kindergarten (and HOW is my baby starting THAT already?!?) until the 17th.  For now, the snippet!  (Keep in mind it’s in unedited draft form and may not be the final opening, blah, blah, blah.  😉 )


With as many people as had tried to kill me over the years, you’d think I would get used to it.  Then again, the fact I hadn’t completely gotten used to it was the reason nobody had yet managed to do me in.  Not permanently anyway.  Temporary death—there’d been a few of those; nothing I’d like to repeat any time soon—especially considering how much I’d pissed off the jackal-faced god that last time…Of course, to be fair to myself, most death threats came because I was two times a cop.  One:  Chief Magical Investigator for the Boston Police Department.  Two:  Member of the Sisterhood of Furies; a once-mortal demigoddess serving as the arcane world’s version of law enforcement.

Two times a cop.  Two times the psychos out for my blood.

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Snippet from Steampunk Novel Starring Changeling Jane Austen’s Twin Daughters…

Yes, yes, I am still hard at work on Fury Book 3 (Black-Hearted Betrayal) and have the YA vamp on the backburner.  But this steampunk story idea hijacked my brains this evening and I had to flesh out a bit of world-building and an opening.  Since I have been lax in blogging the past few days and want to get another post up, I am sharing a snippet from what is tentatively titled Plague and Pestilence.  Keep in mind that it is very rough and subject to much revision.  Hope you enjoy!


It was a truth universally acknowledged–at least between the Austen twins–that being the daughter of a world-famous (and immortal) novelist could be a royal pain in the backside.  Even if said mother did gainfully employ both daughters as research assistants.  Perhaps especially because of that fact.

Miss Cassandra Leigh, elder sister by precisely fifteen and one-quarter minutes, stared at the latest telegram from the venerable Mrs. Jane Austen Austen with an expression more in keeping with someone who has just ingested a goodly number of sour pickles.  Miss Elizabeth Henriette, not to be outdone despite her position as younger sister, wrinkled both forehead and nose in most unladylike fashion.  Then, in that twin-like manner with which they so often dismayed polite society, the two exclaimed in unison, “Egypt!  What can Mother be thinking?”

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Blood and Bone Excerpt…

Since I wrote up a guest blog post for a friend earlier today, I don’t really feel like writing another blog post.  Instead, I’m going to share the first chapter of the YA Vamp project I’ve mentioned a couple times.  I always swore I would never write vampires until I could come up with a unique twist–and this one qualifies.  I can’t share the unique twist without spoiling it but I did want to share this with readers who might be interested.  (I polished this up today but my active WIP is Fury Book 3, since that’s the one under actual deadline.  However I do want to get this one in proposal form, just in case!)


Blood and Bone, Chapter 1

“Wake up.  Come on, now.”

The blue-haired boy wakes with his face slumped onto his left shoulder and drool dribbling down his arm.  A kind-faced man seems relieved when the boy focuses unsteady eyes upon him.

“Son, you’re gonna have to get off the bus now.  St. Cloud’s the end of the road.”

“I-uh, St. Cloud?”  He shakes his head to try and clear it.  The last thing he remembers is…huh.  He remembers fading in and out of wakefulness over the past couple of days, the rhythmic motion of the bus soothing him back to sleep each time it pulled away from another no-name town.  The man standing over him–who now looks the slightest bit impatient–bullying him into brief bathroom and food breaks at stops along the way.  What he can’t remember, however, is where he actually got onto the bus.  Or where he’s headed now.  Or why.

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