
…but not the fun kind. Heh. Last night the baby and I went grocery shopping while husband cooked supper. Actually, the second store was almost fun because I put the baby in one of those race car shopping carts for the first time, and he LOVED it! I was a bit apprehensive at first over whether he was big enough, but he was. Almost made me tear up! Zack’s 14 months now and tall like his daddy. I tightened the strap as tightly as I could and he sat there just having a ball. He loved facing forward, playing with the steering wheel, and babbled up a storm, saying “Hi!” to everyone. The other shoppers got almost as big a kick out of the whole thing as he did. Babies–and big boys–are too cute!

Um, so yeah. After shopping in two different stores, it was almost 8:00 by the time we got home. We ate dinner, watched tv for a bit, and then it was bed time. So no words last night, but I’m hopeful about tonight. =)


Finally, a breakthrough on the opening scene for Night and Day! It hit me oh-god-early this morning when the baby decided to wake up an hour and a half ahead of schedule. After trying to cuddle him back to sleep, then putting him in the playpen near his daddy who was jogging on the treadmill, I spent more time obssessing brainstorming on just when, where, and how to open this book. When I finally figured it out, I ran to my laptop and tapped out the first half-page. It’s not much, but it’s a start, by God, and I’ll take it! The good news is I know where to go from here for at least the next little bit. I anticipate getting at least a few k this weekend, thanks to my paper being el terminado. Yay!

Just had to share that bit of news, because I’m excited. =)

Took the RWA Plunge…

I’ve been wanting to join RWA for a few years now, but the time never seemed right financially. I just wasn’t sure if the benefits would justify the cost. Came into a bit of extra money recently so decided to take the plunge. I also joined the RWA Online Chapter. Love the idea of having 24/7 access to the combined wisdom of my chaptermates. =) Hopefully my RWA National paperwork will go through smoothly, since the RWA Online membership is contingent upon that.

Was busy with the baby tonight, so no new words. Maybe tomorrow! =)

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Paper’s Done – Hallelujah!…

Whew. That’s one weight off my shoulder. I turned in my 25- (actually 26, but who’s counting?) page paper last night. What a relief! Now I just have one more class (a beginning HR class I’m taking because I really enjoyed my Legal Aspects of HR Management class and because I need one more course the way I set up my student loan funds this year), and then I graduate with my Master’s in Legal Analysis in May. Yay! SOOO ready to be done with school!

Plot Rambling…

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