Still Kicking…(Barely)…

I’m still alive and kicking, just not very energetic these days. I can’t wait for that nesting instinct/burst of energy to hit me. Probably not for another few weeks, but it would be very nice to get some more energy before the baby arrives. The past two weekends I’ve done nothing but sit at home, sleep a lot, and play Final Fantasy X when I was awake. And cuddle with the husband. Other than that, I’ve been a slacker. And it felt good!

Lamaze last night wiped me out. I’m sooooooo tired! Our class ran over because we took a tour of the hospital after our “lecture.” So we didn’t get home till about 10:15 or 10:30. I’m not one who can go directly to sleep after a long day, even if I’m exhausted, so I didn’t fall asleep till 11:30 or midnight, which just isn’t enough sleep for me now. Still, I am comforting myself with the fact that I’m off work Thursday and Friday. I can make it through the day!

Work has been insane the past two days so no work on the WIP. I’m considering anything I get done between now and when the baby’s born as a bonus. And hopefully once the baby’s here I’ll be able to get more done. Of course, that depends on the baby’s schedule and all, but anything’s better than nothing! =)

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